RIPEA Insurance Trust
RIPEA sponsors a suite of group insurance plans that are offered through the Retired Indiana Public Employees Insurance Trust that was established on December 29, 2000.
The purpose of the Trust "is to provide individual and group insurance programs through independent, third party insurance companies, for the benefit of those RIPEA members electing to subscribe to such insurance programs."
Current Trustees of the Trust are:
Patricia Miller, Chairperson
Billie Breaux, Member
Chris Bader, Member
Mike Hineline, Member
Medicare, Insurance and More
RIPEA sponsors group health insurance plans for members covered by Medicare. The plans are through Anthem Insurance Company and operate the same way as other supplemental Medicare plans. One of the plans is a comprehensive plan that mirrors Medicare supplemental plan F. The other plan is a G plan. These are excellent insurance plans that cover you anywhere you travel in the United States. They have been negotiated by an experienced insurance consultant retained by RIPEA.

AMBA Insurance Benefits
Our association works hard to protect your pension AND your insurance benefits. This is one of the main advantages of being a member and one of the main reasons we are here for you!
Thanks to our trusted partner, AMBA, members are eligible for exclusive supplemental insurance. Get special group rates on dental, vision, long-term care, home healthcare, cancer, heart, stroke, life insurance, and other policies.
If you’ve had trouble getting supplemental insurance at a reasonable rate, here’s your chance! Best of all, it's easy - you can enroll online or by phone.
Additional Member Discounts
The benefits of membership in RIPEA also include a comprehensive and competitive insurance program offered at group rates, a quarterly newsletter, the RIPEA Annual Convention, chapter organizations, and the ability to talk to a “live” person about your membership benefits or any of RIPEA’s activities on your behalf.