Improve the quality of life of our members by providing the Relationships, Insurance benefits, Policy-advocacy, and Education. 


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee was established in the original by-laws of RIPEA in 1972. The Executive Committee executes the decisions of the Board and when necessary has the powers of the Board.

Executive Committee Members:
Cleo Duncan, Chairman
Chris Bader, Member                                                                                                        Howard Buchanon, Member                                                                                            Jack Dillon, Member                                                                                                          Bruce Kimery, Member                                                                                                  Patricia Miller, Member                                                                                                                                                            

Legislative Committee

The Board established a Legislative Committee in 2007 to direct and monitor RIPEA’s legislative effort. The primary focus of the Legislative Committee is to attempt to protect the purchasing power of PERF retirees by submitting legislation to the Indiana General Assembly that will provide increases in retirement income to maintain the retirees’ standard of living.

The Legislative Committee is also involved in efforts to protect and improve the retirement benefits for active members of PERF. This effort is concentrated on the benefit formula, vesting and the calculation of final average salary (F.A.S.).

Legislative Committee Members:
Robert Jackman, Chairman                                                                                          Bruce Kimery, Member
Jack Dillon, Member
Cleo Duncan, Member
SuzAnne Handshoe, Member                                                                                          Pat Miller, Member
Al Logsdon, Member - IRTA


Foundation Board

Foundation Board Members:
Marriette Montgomery, Chairperson
Howard Buchanon, Director
Cleo Duncan, Director
Craig Hartzer, Director


Insurance Trustees

Insurance Trustees:
Patricia Miller, Chairperson
Billie Breaux, Trustee
Chris Bader, Trustee
Mike Hineline, Trustee